Kingdom Superstore
Maximizing Your Success
Maximizing Your Success
The Maximizing Your Success guide is designed to assist you in developing a three-tiered, habit-forming lifestyle change. This series will allow you to form a 21-day habit in three areas: health, finance, and spirituality.
The Maximizing Your Success guide will teach you how to get your health in order by developing a habit of better nutrition, exercise, stress management, and rest. It will also assist you in getting a greater grip on your financial life by creating habits that allow you to gain greater control of your money management and increase your net worth by reducing your debt and increasing your revenue.
Finally, the Maximizing Your Success guide will help you develop a foundation for life and eternity through the development of an impactful spiritual life that registers both in heaven and on earth. You will learn how to quantifiably grow your spirit man by developing a 21-day habit of meeting with God.